Friday, October 5, 2018

This CNN Article published by Chris Cillizza has discussed many of the major differences between agreeing with President trump on US Government issues while on the other hand disagreeing with him on major life decisions. Cillizza talks about how Trump has been deeply unpredictable on all sorts of things, but he has been remarkably stable at court picks. The court picks are what they use as the base of the argument. Trump is unpredictable and that’s mainly the big problem here. If we had a president that we could trust then we wouldn’t have many disagreements throughout the US that mainly concern him. Cillizza is one of many who agree with another resource by the name of Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh has just been chosen as Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee and his confirmation to the court appeared to be sealed with three key senators deciding he's worthy of being confirmed. It's a constant battle with Trump and his Supreme Court but it’s not like they have a choice. Who would want to go against the President?

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