Friday, October 19, 2018

I agree with the article that was published by Gabe Ortiz on the Daily Kos about how the migrant families are still torn apart and not reunited with their families yet. The intended audience would be anyone that’s fighting rights or protesting for the migrant children and how the family is still not reunited, I see this short article like an update for the people. I also see it as a way to put Trump and the Trump officials on blast for not doing anything about passing the deadline by not one or two days but by 85. I feel like the article could have been a little longer and more detailed because this is such a strong topic but other than that I believe the article made the point clear. The publisher overall explains how they as in the trump administration are being cruel by keeping these kids locked up and away from their family. Not only are they being cruel that way but it also explains how they are being cruel by doing nothing about passing the deadline to let these kids reunite with their families. Even though they are slowly moving them to reunification they are not caring enough to organize everything correctly which is causing the parents to not be informed on picking up the kids which eventually they have to send them back under the U.S. custody. With that being said the author's overall argument is to show and expose the trump administration for not only being careless and cruel to these kids by locking them up away from their family they are cruel enough to not care about improving that system and sending those kids back home.

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