Friday, November 2, 2018

   Lots of Americans will oppose the U.S. border wall mostly because they have doubts that Mexico would pay for it . Because president trump claims he will make Mexico pay for the wall that will be used against them to keep them out, it has caused lots of doubts which I can totally agree with. I absolutely do not think that was a bright idea and I don’t think it’s going to be very successful and lots agree. In feb, 7-12,2017 a survey was conducted about this topic asking who is opposed and who is in favor of building a border wall and who would think the  U.S. would ultimately pay for it. The results came back as 70% saying the U.S. would ultimately pay for it while the other 10% would think that Mexico will pay for it. This just proves some points to my argument most people know that trump cannot force Mexico to pay for a wall that’s going to be used against them and these 70% of people know that if Trump really wants it then the U.S. will be the one to pay for that wall. I also don’t think building the wall will be that successful in reduction to illegal immigration. For the most part I am agreeing with Democrats who not only claim that the U.S. will pay for the wall but also agreeing with them on how the wall won’t lead to a major reduction in illegal immigration. Since I and lots of others have agreed that the U.S. will pay for it now the funding problems come in because Trump still has to convince most of his party to openly support this, which he has only convinced 25% of congressional Republicans so he still has some work to do. Overall I believe that there are too much challenges and proof of why this wall won’t work, it’s wasting billions of dollars with more people who are opposed to it then there is that are in favor of the wall because we all simply know that the wall won’t solve all the problems of immigration the nations face with a wall.

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