Friday, November 30, 2018

I believe that the national government should provide all equal rights for the lgbtq community families to have all adoption rights as straight families would. It definitely surprises me on the opinions of the opposing the adoption rights for the LGBT. The Opposing side clearly states that the lgbt community should not have the rights for adoption for reasons like they believe two the child would only be stable in a home of a man and a woman and that the kids should somehow have a choice on if they parents are lgbt, which obviously makes no sense. I believe they should have the rights of adoption along with the rights as every basic human has because we are all human and it would be inhumane to not not let the lgbt community build their family like any other straight couple can, that’s like saying they can’t because they slightly make different choices. Of course as long as they pass the background checks are clear like every other couple that try to adopt, as long as they can prove a safe environment, stable income and a loving presence then I wouldn’t care who you are or how different you are I believe the government should give the basic human rights as others to adopt.

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